- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
The Hospital of Vault 88
As you lie on a gurney in the emergency room of Vault 88, hooked up to an EKG after a nasty fight with a pack of ghouls, you take in your surroundings. The walls are light blue and the puddles of moisture on the floor reflect the lights into your eye. Your arm is attached to an IV bag full of radaway. You feel the classic nausea and fatigue as your veins absorb the liquid. You smell wet metal and antiseptic as a medical assistant cleans a patient's leg wound. There's a sudden strong smell of ammonia as someone begins mopping the hall floors. A group of medical students walk by.
The patient next to you is wrapped up in gauze. They don't look conscious and every so often, their heart stops, causing the medical staff to rush over and resuscitate them. Most of the gurneys and beds are occupied with wastelanders---
-A medical assistant hands you a cup of purified water. You take a long sip as the radaway flushes the radiation out of your body, and you can take on the commonwealth once more... But first, maybe a nap.
Comments for "The Hospital of Vault 88"
License details for "The Hospital of Vault 88"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Blood pressure gauge by freesfx.co.uk +)
- EKG - Slowing to Flatline by freesound.org +)
- Very Quiet Cafe by Legend1060 from http://freesound.org +)
- Huge slow metal fan by SoundDogs +)
- Feet on Metal by soundmary from http://freesound.org +)
- Cough, wet/hacking by unfa at freesound.org +)
- hand wash by www.soundsnap.com *)
- EKG Monitor by Youtube +)
*) Soundsnap.com license