- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
Nuka-Cola Bottling Plant
The water glows a neon turquoise as you wade through the Nuka Quantum River. Up ahead are two glowing mirelurks- "nukalurks" as you've been led to believe they are called. The facility still hums with life, despite being abandoned for two centuries.
The smell of saccharine soda is strong in the air, and it mingles with the scent of low-tide, no doubt from the sea flora and fauna that has made a home inside. The air is stale and the sounds of giant crabs pacing around echo throughout.
As you get closer to a nukalurk, you walk underneath a stream of quantum, originating from one of the towering nuka cola bottles. Fortunately, it isn't sticky- you suspect the sugar had yet to be added to the mixture. You are now soaked head to toe in glowing blue soda, but you must press on. There is still much to discover inside the building.
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License details for "Nuka-Cola Bottling Plant"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Footsteps in Puddles by "Footsteps, Puddles, A.wav" by InspectorJ of Freesound.org +)
- Splash 1 by By Mariusz jasionowicz - RareSound Production - www.raresound.co.uk +)
- Ship squeak by By Noise Collector - www.freesound.org +)
- Engine rumble by Gaius Ross +)
- Water in the Wash 1 by izzybel +)
- Cave stream medium by Mariusz Jasionowicz -RareSound Production Ltd. +)
- SIO_Spiny Lobster by Sheila Patek. http://www.dosits.org/galleries/audio/marineinvertebrates/spinylobster/ +)
- Huge slow metal fan by SoundDogs +)