- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
Goodneighbor at Night
This seedy city is small. Triggermen and drug peddlers roam the streets. Still, it is home to many. Ghouls are welcome here, as are anyone who isn't looking to cause trouble. Granted, people here cause trouble anyway, but it is generally sorted out by one of the Goodneighbor guards.
The neon signs that hang above emit a familiar buzzing sound. There are junkies littered about the area. The decaying remains of once-beautiful buildings line the sides of the streets. Metal trashcans with fires inside glow all over the street. Drifters mill about, some make stews in pots, others work on chemical concoctions at poorly-put-together chem labs. No one seems to mind the drugs everywhere.
It is a smelly town. Cigarette smoke, burning trash, mildew, decay. The people do not smell good either. There is a feeling of carelessness and rebellion in the air. Most everyone here wants to be here.
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License details for "Goodneighbor at Night"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- electronic buzz by alienistcog from http://freesound.org +)
- Cthullu, village by Bartol +)
- Glass_shattering_05 by c-rogers from http://freesound.org +)
- Old Ventilator by ofabra from http://freesound.org +)
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