- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
Crashed UFO Site
You are making your way through the Commonwealth when you spot something overhead. You look up and see what appears to be a flying saucer barreling toward Earth. You run ahead to investigate. Upon arriving at the scene, you witness burning trees and scorched earth. No one else seems to have seen the sight, since you are the only one there. You search the area for any signs of life, but there is only a heap of green, glowing goo off to the side of the crash.
The UFO is giving off a tone, one that you've never heard before. The whole area smells of smoke, hot metal, and possibly a burning ozone scent. The fire makes the sunlit area hot, and you feel yourself begin to sweat. There is still a layer of dirt and dust in the air, from the debris.
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Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
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